Go Green and Feed the Need

Tackling E-Waste for a Greater Cause

Our Impact

At NSP we take a proactive stance against the e-waste problem by collecting, recycling, and refurbishing unwanted electronics, using the proceeds to feed New Zealand’s children.

We’ve already contributed 1750 lunches and are committed to expanding our efforts each year. In solidarity with other organizations addressing child poverty, our initiative, Feed the Need, offers Auckland businesses a simple way to give back by donating their e-waste. These businesses integrate this into their routine activities, making an incredible difference to young New Zealanders who truly need our support.

The Process

Through Go Green, we decommission your old electronics, ensuring the secure erasure of all data. Reusable equipment is refurbished and either donated or sold, while recyclables are responsibly sold to appropriate buyers. Non-recoverable items are processed in compliance with E-waste regulations, eliminating unnecessary landfill and contributing to an eco-friendly disposal.

Doing Good for the Community

Go Green isn’t just about addressing the e-waste problem; it’s our commitment to doing good for the community. By donating your e-waste, you not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also support the noble cause of feeding those in need.

Take Action

Donate your e-waste today and be a part of NSP’s mission to Feed the Need. To book a collection of your unwanted electronics or for more information, email info@nsp.co.nz. Together, let’s make a positive impact on our environment and community.

Supporting Local Families

Our dedication to community welfare goes beyond business.

For years, we’ve been extending a helping hand to local families facing genuine hardships, and our commitment continues with our latest initiative.


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